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Washington Post

"Another fire is raging in Brazil--in Rio's favelas"


Op Ed by Anjuli Fahlberg

September 6th, 2019


"While the cause of Amazon’s blazes is still in dispute, the fires burning in Rio’s favelas are a direct result of Witzel’s harsh public security policies, which advocate constant and increasingly deadly invasions by heavily armed police into poor, mostly black and brown residential neighborhoods controlled by drug gangs."


Photo owned by Washington Post

Carta Capital

"Muito Tiro, Pouca Aula" 

"Too many bullets, too few school days"

By Salvino Barbosa

June 24th, 2019


"Governor Witzel talked about missiles in reference to the City of God.  But about education and healthcare, nothing."


Photo taken and owned by Thomas Silva EBC

O Globo

"Pesquisa mostra que violência afeta acesso a serviços e até saúde mental na Cidade de Deus"


"Study shows that violence affects services and even mental health in the City of God"


By Carina Bacela

February 3rd, 2018

Photo taken and owned by O Globo

Veja Rio

"Cidade de Deus volta `as manchetes, mas segue esquecida pelo Estado"


"City of God returns to headlines but is still forgotten by the State"


By Saulo Guimarães

Feburary 16th, 2018

Photo taken and owned by Veja Rio

©2018 by Anjuli Fahlberg. Proudly created with

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